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CACAOSUYO Schokoladen ♦ Peru
Bean-to-Bar-Schokoladen aus Cacaosuyo, Lima, Peru
CACAOSUYO Theobroma Inversiones SAC / Calle Robert Fulton 145 | Ate Lima 15022 | Peru / Inverkehrbringer: The High Five Company | Import & international distribution of bean-to-bar craft chocolate | Schepenveld 12-01, 3891 ZK Zeewolde, Niederlande BIO-SKAL 107628 NL-BIO-01
Inhalt: 0.07 kg (127,86 €* / 1 kg)
Inhalt: 0.07 kg (127,86 €* / 1 kg)
Inhalt: 0.07 kg (141,43 €* / 1 kg)
Inhalt: 0.07 kg (127,86 €* / 1 kg)
Inhalt: 0.07 kg (160,00 €* / 1 kg)
Inhalt: 0.07 kg (127,86 €* / 1 kg)